We were never promised that life would be easy, but somehow it became what we expect. We forgot.

Let’s reset.

Ignore the weight of the insignificant grains of sand we must move in order to fulfill our goals, our purpose.

If only we had the drive of an ant who does not consider weight a burden.

If only we could be as driven and determined as the lonely desert plant that has one goal: TO PROPaGATE.

If only we could see each crack as an opportunity.

If only we would allow the weight of uncertainty to free us, instead of weighing us down.

How heavy it all appears. But how does one measure weight?

Oppressive or protective? Without life, or full of history?

If only we took that first courageous step to overcome.

If only.

Then we would bloom in defiance of all the heaviness that has delayed us. We would allow ourselves to succeed. And it will be glorious.

Go Out To The Desert. Thrive.

These images were captured in the Anza-Borrego Desert, which has more inspiration than I could possibly soak up.

We and our weeds are so much more than what we first appear to be. Please come back again for a new “Weed Image of the Day” and let me know which ones you like. 

Even better, look down at the world that teems with life and meaning. It is right at your feet!

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